Think Pieces

IME Student Conference 2021 – Posters

Following a Call for Abstracts for the 2021 Student Conference the below students were selected to submit a poster for display in this virtual poster session

By Phil Greenwood · February 3, 2021

Ethical review of the impact of changes in services on children during the coronavirus pandemic, and preparing for the second wave

The ethicality of peer practised learning of invasive medical techniques in medical schools

How do cultural differences affect principlism?

To save or not to save? A doctor’s off-duty obligations during global pandemic


The effect of COVID-19 on childhood DTaP vaccination uptake in deprived neighbourhoods

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Effect of algae spirulina on anthropometric, haematological and biochemical markers in undernourished HIV+ children not on antiretroviral therapy in Botswana

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Improving leprosy treatment outcomes in Pernambuco, Brazil: a qualitative study exploring the experiences, perceptions and beliefs of patients and carers

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A survey to assess the attitudes of medical students returning to their education after a 6 month COVID-19 viral pandemic lockdown


Uses of equipoise in discussions of the ethics of randomized controlled trials of COVID-19 therapies

Clinical Academia: Barriers and Enablers A longitudinal study of clinical academics through audio diaries with a focus on gender inequality

The Mark Brennan Poster Prize

The below posters are by students who were awarded an IME intercalated scholarship (2018-19) and have been invited to present a poster of their projects for the annual Mark Brennan Poster Prize.

Is it permissible to lower the age requirement of hormonal treatment for children with gender dysphoria?

Optional oral presentation:

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“Some of us think people belong to each other”: Beyond individualistic understanding of mortality

Optional oral presentation:

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A philosophical evaluation of the conceptualisation of trust in the NHS’ Code of Conduct for artificial intelligence-driven technology

The anatomical Venus: Sexualisation, objectification and the ‘ideal’ woman

Optional oral presentation:

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Paid prophylaxis or an attack on autonomy? An argument against incentivisation of sterilisation in drug and alcohol addicts by Project Prevention