Summer Course on Ethics in Dementia Care
KU Leuven
The Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law at KU Leuven is pleased to announce the 11th edition of the Summer Course on Ethics in Dementia Care, which will take place in Leuven, Belgium, from 8–11 July 2025.
The course aims to promote discussions on foundational, clinical-ethical, and organizational-ethical approaches to dementia care practices. National and international experts will lead presentations on a range of ethical topics within the field, followed by opportunities for in-depth discussions. The language of instruction will be English.
This course is relevant to professionals from diverse fields, including medicine, nursing, psychology, social work, gerontology, healthcare administration, philosophy, and theology. It is also suitable for PhD students pursuing research in these areas.
For detailed information about the program, funding opportunities, registration, and payment, please visit the course webpage at Ethics in Dementia Care 11th Edition 2025 — KU Leuven or at under Ethics in Dementia Care Course. The deadline for early bird registration is 15 May 2025.
Additionally, in celebration of the 11th edition, we have expanded the list of countries eligible for a reduced registration fee to include several middle-income countries, such as Argentina, Brazil, China, South Africa, and Turkey. For the full list, please refer to our website.