
Journal of Medical Ethics

Metrics announced!

By lorrainep · July 5, 2022

Every researcher wants their work to be noticed, influential, shared and cited. Healthcare professionals and clinicians who publish in medical journals have the ability to improve clinical practice and healthcare outcomes around the world.

But where your paper is published can make a big difference to the impact it creates. At BMJ, we aim to be as transparent as possible by sharing key metrics about the reach and impact of the work published in Journal of Medical Ethics. We share these on the journal’s website and highlight recent papers that have attracted the most citations.


Top cited articles

We want to thank our authors for submitting high-quality content and our reviewers and editorial team for investing their time in critically evaluating submitted papers. Now, more than ever, delivering reliable, evidence-based research as quickly as possible to a global audience is at the core of our mission to create a healthier world together.

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