
‘Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Lessons from Belgium’ Cambridge University Press 2017

D. Jones, C. Gastmans, C. MacKellar (Eds.) 

By lorrainep · December 15, 2020

Belgium is one of the only five countries where euthanasia is practiced legally and is the subject of a large body of empirical research. However, until the present volume no study has sought to draw this research together into a coherent narrative and present it to an English-speaking readership. The book includes fourteen contributions from academics and clinicians in Belgium and six from international academics. Looking at the implications of legalized euthanasia and assisted suicide from an international and interdisciplinary perspective, this panel of experts has written an in-depth analysis of the ethical aspects of this complex area, appealing to law, philosophy and medical disciplines. The discussion forms a foundation for informed debate about assisted dying and provides a useful guide to similar choices faced by other jurisdictions.