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Bi-weekly Round up: 22th March 2021

Four stellar thought-provoking articles to catch up on and keep you engaged with current bioethical issues and to ultimately intellectually stimulate and challenge.

By Comfort King · March 22, 2021

1. The modern day ‘trolley problem’?

Brilliant article published in The New York Times discussing Germany’s decision to halt the Oxford- AstraZenaca vaccination

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2. Queue jumping for Covid-19 vaccinations- where is the harm?

Dominic Wilkinson and Jonathan Pugh once again produce a fantastic piece on the ethics of acquiring a Covid-19 vaccination outside of the current UK vaccination roll-out programme

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3. Covid, Consent and the Court of Protection

Marina Wheeler QC’s article is a insightful must-read if you have ever considered the effect of Covid-19 and the pandemic on consent and mental capacity surrounding vaccinations.

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4. Discussions of surrogate decisions made in a crisis

One for those with IME membership (Sign up here).

Another excellent article surrounding the ever contentious issue of surrogacy and decisions made when a medical crisis occurs. Which mother should be the one making health decisions when a crisis occurs?

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