Bi-weekly Round up: 22th March 2021
Four stellar thought-provoking articles to catch up on and keep you engaged with current bioethical issues and to ultimately intellectually stimulate and challenge.
1. The modern day ‘trolley problem’?
Brilliant article published in The New York Times discussing Germany’s decision to halt the Oxford- AstraZenaca vaccination
2. Queue jumping for Covid-19 vaccinations- where is the harm?
Dominic Wilkinson and Jonathan Pugh once again produce a fantastic piece on the ethics of acquiring a Covid-19 vaccination outside of the current UK vaccination roll-out programme
3. Covid, Consent and the Court of Protection
Marina Wheeler QC’s article is a insightful must-read if you have ever considered the effect of Covid-19 and the pandemic on consent and mental capacity surrounding vaccinations.
4. Discussions of surrogate decisions made in a crisis
One for those with IME membership (Sign up here).
Another excellent article surrounding the ever contentious issue of surrogacy and decisions made when a medical crisis occurs. Which mother should be the one making health decisions when a crisis occurs?